Messages Page1

Ndola - Zambia About Messages Page 1 Messages Page 2 People of Ndola Muriel Westmore Hanif Badat Ndola Masjid Contact '100' years old Mahesh Tailor Photo Page 1 Photo Page 2 Paul Walker Photo Collection - Part 1 Paul Walker Photo Collection - Part 2 Tushar Bulsara Ian Broderick Tom B Andersen's Ndola Pictures Sarala Sankar Kanini Primary School by Bharat Patel Kensenshi High School Dominican Convent Secondary School Ndola's Mofu Tree ... known as "THE BIG TREE" ... Jame Masjid Lusaka Guest Book Page Spirit of the Land Story Page Kilimanjaro August 1965 Yunus Vadva - Photo Page Old Photos around Zambia Old Photos Of Lusaka Old Photos of Kitwe ......Gud old days!!.... Clouds 1 Clouds 2

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Your feedback is appreciated.....

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My website building skill are very limited. Please feel free to make any suggestions so that I can improve the site. What would you like to see?

Messages I have received.

.....I too grew up in Ndola (left in 1986) and have fond memories of the ideal town/people. It is pleasing to see that the place has captivated the memories of many now residing in different parts of the world. Thanks for the memorable pictures. Mahendra Amin
........we both dont know each other but one thing relates us......memories of Ndola! I just typed Ndola on the google page and I found ur page! my name is Matthias and I am from Germany! I spent almost a half  year in that wondeful city! I have been there for voluntary work for the Catholic Diocese of Ndola! I dont really know why I am writing you but evrytime I speak about Zambia, especially Ndola, I feel much better. U have to know I miss Ndola very much! Matthias Zingel
.......Thank you sooooo much for contacting me and thank you too for creating your Ndola website.  I really enjoyed looking at the pictures and they brought back some wonderful memories.  The church you feature (just titled "image") used to be called St. Andrew's and it was where my sister, Pamela, who was the town librarian, got married.  My cousins continue to run a bakery in town which I think is still called Paterson's Bakery - just down from the Savoy Hotel.  My mother was the headmaster's secretary as Kansenji Primary School and my brother was a history teacher at Kansenji Secondary School.  We lived on Cumberland Crescent which in those days was the end of town on the Mufulira side.  I'll be sure to send you some photo's when I have a bit more time as I have to dash off to a meeting right now.  Thanks again for all your hard work and I'll look forward to learning more about you. Mahalo Nui Loa (thank you very much in Hawaiian) Alistair Paterson

......Great Ndola website!!! I left Ndola in 1998 and my parents are still there. I was one of the organizers of the Mosi golf tournament at Austin and will send you any pictures etc. that we may have. Nirmal Bhakta





........I just browsed through the Ndola website that you created. You did a fantastic job! Looking at some of those pictures I try and visualise how things are back home and how much it has changed over the years. It's been wonderful having the experience to grow up in such a beautiful country, Ndola being one of the best towns!  Thank you for this wonderful website of Ndola, the unforgetable place where my mind travels ever so often . . . ......there is no place like home!!! ..Tiyende Pamodzi!!!!    Pareen Patel
.....I grew up in Ndola as well,however I went to Simba school.I like the photos they brought back old memories!!!We were unbelievably lucky to have lived there,it has its own charm and nowhere in the world is the same.Keep up the good work.I would like to see more photos. Karen Frenandes
assalaam aleikum        name is anwar ismail  COUSIN OF YUNUS GAJ, may allah grant him junatul- firdos- ameen.
i emigrated to zimbabwe in 1981 and lived there until 2003 when i emigrated to the u.k. i now live in manchester with my family. seeing pictures of ndola brought back some good memories of my childhood.
thanks for the memories. salaams. Anwar Ismail
hi there,
......its always nice to see people doing such for ndola. ohh by the way. my name is tushar bulsara. i was born and raised in ndola. i am currently in weatherford, oklahoma. i was in ndola a month ago. as i was saying. it feels so good to hear others saying nice things about your home town. well i have a whole bunch of pictures on my msn spaces. the link is below. feel free to copy them on to your site. the first few picz are of my car, then the 2 after that are of kamwala in lusaka. then the rest are all of ndola. see if they bring back any memory. if you cant figure out where the picz are taken. let me know and ill tell you which part of ndola it is.              Tushar Bulsara
....I came across your ndola site and it was great to see pictures of our home. There is no place like ndola no matter what people say. Thank you for setting up this site and please try and keep it updated when u can. No matter where in the world we are, ndola is never too far away from our hearts. I still have family there, i'm not sure if u know them. My dad is ebrahim malik. Also was wondering if u are related to rashid badat? a good friend of mine. Take care and thanks again for putting up the site. Imran Malik.
salaamz, name is Ismail Ebrahim, I grew up in Ndola and went to secondary school with you it was great, everlasting memories, your site brought back many happy thoughts.  it's a great website keep it up!
Ismail Ebrahim
.......My name is Hanif Osman , I lived in Ndola from 1969 to November 1976, and just like the rest of the guy's I miss the place ...The pics of the school's brought back the most wonderful of memories.....the past came alive...cheers - Hanif Osman.
.....It was good to see the Ndola council building and read the material re your site.I was born in Ndola and went to North Rise Primary school. My name is Stewart Yesner
......Just happened on your site. Very nostalgic. My Dad was DC in Ndola in the mid-sixties and I have very vivid memories of a couple of childhood years spent there- Sports Day at the local primary school ( I was in the losing Kafue team); very wild cowboys and indians in the playground; hanging out at the swimming baths on hot afternoons; weekly visits to the cinema to see westerns and on one occasion sharing a seat with my brother for the Ndola premiere of Help! ( the film had a warm-up act: The Lusaka Beatles); and Sunday School at one of the main churches - the bishop or rector was a Father Klyberg. Thanks for this enjoyable diversion. Gerard Clough
Salaams Yunus,
Just managed to get through and have a look at your website! What a great page! Loved reading it all and the pictures are fantastic. I am so sorry that I have no pictures of Ndola to contribute.
I really miss Ndola too! Especially the school friends I made whilst at Kansenji High School. Unfortunately, I cannot remember a lot of the names of the people but I remember the times shared whilst at school. Here are some of them....Norman Craig; Glenn Spencer; Peter Marbus (I think his family returned to Holland); John  Piri; Emmanuel & Sylvester (they were refugees from Angola - cant' remember their surnames); Vivian & Elizabeth (cant remember their surnames either). I left Kansenji in October 1975 to come to England.
I hade quite a few cousins who went to Kansenji too - the closest cousin was Shiraz Patel (now living in Canada). He had two brothers and a sister.  Their parents were both science teachers (but not at Kansenji) and they lived in Kansenji itself. I have lost touch with these cousins.The other cousins who were at Kansenji were Zubeida Pandor and Bilkis Patel (she was the Head girl their). The other girls were Munira Sheikh and Hanifa Burhani (Mazhar & Liakat Burhani's sister). I would love to hear from anybody who knew me and is still living in Ndola - Rashida Bobat

 YUNUS ............ thanks very much for the Ndola web-site ,a old school friend ( Rashida Bobat ) has just e-mailed me after 30 yrs (1975 since seeing her at Kansenji Sec School ) I also read your message board and seen names i 've known from Northrise Primary-----Stewart & Malcoum Yesner, I would like to know if anyone out there knows of  Edna Zukas ,Allison Pine ,Pauline Galaway, Martin Dale ( his dad was a major at the army barracks ) Esther Childs ,Steven Childs .Would be nice to hear from them ,and also a big  HI  to the other Ndola people all over the world who i know and to those that know me please drop me a line. normangreig99[at]                                             all the best and keep it A-LIVE.   Cheers Norman    

 Hi........I also Grew up in Ndola, so it was nice to see some Photos of Ndola.Regards
Mohamed Ismail Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

 ........What a lovely idea! I lived in Ndola from 59 to 70 and the pictures brought back some fond memories. By the way the somewhere in town photo used to be Thom's Stores on what was Cecil Ave now Independence Ave I think! Cheers!                                                          Richard Wardrop

Just to say I found your site via theGNR site.and must say its great...The photos bought back alot of memories i lived in Ndola for quite a few years untill my dad (Nobby Clark) passed away there in 1967. We spent alot Of weekends as a family at Monkey Fountain. My sister actually got married at the St andrews Church in 1966. Keep up the good work and I will definatly visit this site again. regards

Hello, I am looking for anyone who knew or remembers Joseph Gascoyne known to his friends as Snowy Gascoyne. He lived on the Mufilaria rd and was the local Undertaker and hangman. I was in Ndola in September this year to meet people who knew of him or had dealings with him. The purpose of my trip was to apologise to people who had been mistreated or hurt by him for some of the things he had done and make peace with the land. I am his son and would love to hear from anyone who knew of him and has bad or good stories to recount.many thanks, look  forward to hearing from you.  Baz Gascoyne     BGZambi[at]


Hi, Richard Wardrop sent me the link to your Ndola site. I am most grateful for the pure nostalgia here. I was at Kansenji and was on the Kilimanjaro trip of august 1965 before returning here to the UK where I have been since then.
I lived at the top of the hill and used to cycle past your fathers store often. I also cycled to school and remember that it was easier to come home, down hill! Those Ndola times were the best of our lives. Anyone who was not there in those days simply would not understand.
Keep up the good work and keep me updated.
As Ever - Philip V Hackett MSTA
Hi, My name is Dave Housden and I lived in Ndola from 65-73. I went to school at Kansenji High. I believe the untitled picture on page one to be the Railway Station.Regards,David
Hi I lived in Ndola from 1958-1975 I have very fond memories of Ndola I keep on threatening to go back for a visit maybe your pictures will spur me on. I knew Stewart Yesner and I remember Nobby Clark from the golf club.Thanks for the memories. Keith Markotter. (Cape Town)
Greetings from the West Indies,
I am Gordon Foster, I lived in Ndola and worked there on many different Civil Engineering projects from 1965 through to 1978.  May be i missed your name somewhere there, I would appreciate having your name and let me know which years you were in Ndola and may be that will bang my rusty memory.
I spent most of my leisure time at the Ndola Boating Club.  I worked for Burtons in the earlier 60's, partly in Ndola, 65 to 68 I was the engineer in charge of Ndola Airport runway reconstruction and lengthening.  I worked for Denovans then,  thereafter I ran my own company... Building Mineral and Supplies Ltd... Yellow Earth Moving Plant and lots of green tip trucks.  We now live in Antigua in the West Indies, farmers (vegetables) sort of retired.  Apart from being held up and shot at a few times and burgled... we had a marvellous time in Zambia which I still consider Gods own country.Keep in touch.
All the best. Gordon Foster
I was in extreme awe when I came across this website. Thanks to my childhood friend Robert Bloomfield who is now in the UK.This website and the pictures made me feel very homesick. I was born in Luansyha in 1970 but raised in Ndola and lived there until 1989. I attended Northrise primary school, Nsansa School and a brief stint at Kansenshi Secondary school and then went to Zimbabwe to attend boarding school. (Falcon College). I am now based in the US, Detroit Michigan. We lived in Northrise, Ndola. Some of the notable people that I have "Ndola ties" are the Mokola family, The Sakala family (JBSakala),The Mvulas, The Kawandamis, The Chitoshi's, The Mpundus, and then some. My Dad was also former chairman of Ndola United Football club. My parents, Mr and Mrs. Peter B.Kaoma were prominent Ndola town people.They are now here in the US as well. Job well DONE!
Martin C.Kaoma
Nice site about my former home town . I grew up in Ndola from 1972 and moved to Lusaka in 1987. I now live in London and would like my name to be included on the People of Ndola page.
Colin Kinghorn UK
Hi, This is a great web page. Brings back great memories. Most of the people who have signed in on this web site have gone to Kansenji School - I went to the Dominican Convent so if there's anyone out there from the Convent please get into contact with me.  There a lovely picture of Broadway with the Jacaranda trees - we lived at No. 95 in 1968 which would be right next door to the house on the picture.It was a superb little town.  I went back to Wanderer's Club and it has changed so much - how I miss the old days.  So many families have left and so many changes but its still great to go to Patterson's for the cottage pies and sausage rolls. Judy Lewis (nee Bloomfield) 
Hi all Ndola "people"past and present.My name is Hemu Patel,daughter of Pushpaben Manibhai Patel(Mum was a devotee of the Mataji Mandir)I left Ndola in 1976 for London, UK where I still reside.My great thanks goes to my very dear /close friend also "Hemu"(resides in Leceister) who just introduced  me to this site.I had a lump in my throat when I browsed through my Ndola schools.This has brought back so many fond memories.I cannot wait to show my mum & family this site.Long live Ndola..Zambia.By for now............Hemu Patel
........Hi there.  Love the website!  What a great idea. I don't see your name so can't say I recognise you but I was in Ndola when you were.
I left in 1977 aged 19 so we are much of the same age I reckon.
I think one of my brothers was in that Kilamanjaro photo on your website..he was Edward Coogan (called Terry back then) other brother Anthony (called Tony) was also in Ndola.. both went to Kansenji or was it LLewelwyn..can't recall now.  I was at the Convent and did my O levels there.  I have recently heard from an old school friend Anne Rigby which was great and recently another old friend contacted me.. Sandra Willard and I've never lost touch with Lesley King.  You probably don't know any of these people though.  Did you know the Scully's or Mangans or Kenny's?
I struggle to recall names now as it was so long ago but I have fond memories of my childhood there.  Everything was 10 minutes away..I played every sport under the sun and even starred in a few theatre productions (as a youngster).  I used to play guitar and sing at several functions back then.  I remember Ndola golf club with much warmth and the boating club and rugby club!!  We went through all the shortages (I remember driving to Kitwe and Luwanshya looking for ciggies for Dad - Matinee cigarettes)..remember the trade fairs every year?  Thoms stores, ZCBC etc..I saw the one picture of the chemists in the main st in Ndola and it looks familiar.
My Dad (Eamon Coogan) was with the tax office for a while then went to Deloittes as a Tax partner.  I was also with Deloittes for a short while after doing A levels in the UK.
How time flies!  As we get older I think we get more nostalgic alright!
They were happy times for was a lovely place to grow up.  As kids we lived at the municipal pool during the school holidays!  Anne Rigby tells me she was in Ndola in 2004 and the municipal pool is still there as is the convent and the latter appears to have been in a time warp with little change.
We lived in Wales Avenue (just down the road from the pool), then Uplands Close (up the hill past the Breweries) and later in Chintu Avenue (not far from Kansenji).......Isn't technolgy great..
Even if we don't know each other it's great to make a new friend.
Cheers for now.............Regards
Caitriona Smith Maiden name was Coogan
..........Just found your site on the GNR and it is great to read about Ndola, where I spent so many enjoyable years. My name is Bob Summers and I worked for The Northern News/Times of Zambia from 1958 through 1965. I am still in contact with quite a few people from those days, but the list shrinks yearly. I will be passing on your site to them. 

Please keep up the good work. Bob Summers



 .......Your website is really great, especially for those of us who lived in Ndola. Until you sent this email I had no idea it existed and thought of all the Copperbelt towns Ndola was the forgotten one. Particularly enjoyed reading about the town's origins. So well done Yunus & co. in keeping Ndola alive on the web! We arrived in Ndola in 1962 when I was 2 years old and initially lived in Itawa, then Kansenji and much later out on the Mufilira Road just past the Tudor Inn. Went to senior school with Stewart Yesner. Left in 1975 and I currently live in the UK. I visited Ndola in December 2005 and it was really strange but pleasing to go back after so long, gladly the town has not changed that much and remains similar to the place I remember. On the same trip I spent some time at a safari camp in the Luangwa valley run by Andy Hogg, also ex-Ndola."
Regards..........Ian Broderick



Hi,............A friend of mine told me about your website.  It's great.  I was born in Chingola and went to school (just before Zambia's Independence) at Chingola Primary.  I then went to boarding school in Lusaka at Gilbert Rennie/Kabulonga, before moving to England.  My family and I now live in Canada.  My wife and I have two children.
You are right, Zambia is one of the best places in the world.  You may be interested to know that the Zambian government is thinking of relaxing citizenship laws so that people born in Zambia who have acquired other citizenships may still claim their Zambian citizenship.
The country's economy seems to be turning around at long last.  Per capita income has doubled to exceed $1,000.  The incidence of poverty has been reduced in the past five years so that the country is again developing a middle class.  Potentially one third of the country is now in the middle class.  There is still some way to go but things are looking up.  The Kwacha has appreciated by about 30 per cent in the past six months, and this has resulted in some prices coming down.
Now back to you.  I know the street where your shop was very well.  My father had a friend who owned a wholesalers on Second Street.  My father used to buy his supplies for the Bancroft shop from there.  Many years later his friend's son and I became very good friends.  The family's name was Sharma.  You may remember them. Thank you for the happy memories.
Chisanga Puta-Chekwe.
Hello there........I was born and grew up in Ndola and my name is Khalid Malik, I moved to the UK in 1989 and still have most of my family living in Ndola, I still go back home to visit and hopefully may go there this year. I have just moved from the UK to the UAE and looking forward to my family joining me soon.
I was only introduced today to this site by my brother in law Raju ( thanks raju) he lives in the USA.
      Having to see the pictures and to read of the other people left me feeling rather home sick and nostalgic but there we are.
Hello to every one that knows me and hello to my best pals Kanu Patel, Iqbal and Shabbir Malik and Rashid Badat, who is in London.   all the best.............Khalid Malik    
.....very nice web site and i am sure you going to have many hits from a lot Ndola folks well done to you.........Rashid Badat
My name is Stewart. I lived in Kansenji when I was about 4 to 6 yrs old, 1965 to 1968. I cannot remember very much, but would appreciate it if you could send a web link to a street map of Ndola, in paticular Kansenji.
Many thanks and thank you for your interesting site!
Yours, Stewart.
Hello Yunus
I lived in Ndola from 1968 to 1970 - not long I know. I was 13, nearly 14, when I arrived. My father was on secondment to the telephone service from the GPO here in the UK. We initially lived in the Savoy Hotel and then in a hostel somewhere to the north. Well I think of it as being at the top of Ndola! I went to the Dominican Convent school, played hockey [badly] for a sports club, was a helper in a cub pack [Boy Scouts]. We waved flags for visiting dignitaries, swam in the Kansenji Junior school pool [my mother was one of the school secretaries for a while], attended the United Reform Church [I think].
It was an interesting place to have glimpses of adulthood and many of the experiences I gained there have been the basis choices I have made: internationalism and an appreciation of a multi-peopled world [a stark contrast to my childhood in rural Northamptonshire with its sugarbeet]. In retrospect I can appreciate the freedom my parents gave me: I was the only 'expat' [wonderful euphemism for white/Caucasian!] girl to cycle to school and with this bike went to the 'townships' and 'up' to the children's hospital where I 'volunteered'. I was not sanctioned when I explored the different shops and almost certainly would have pottered around your father's shop if it still existed then. I have come across one other girl from Ndola living in London. She now works as a midwife at the Portland Hospital.
It was a very nice surprise to come across your site. Thank you for it.      Pat Clark
Hi Yunus
Have spent a lovely sundayafternoon going down memory lane.  What a special and fantastic site. The photos from the 50's are really special as was the history of how Ndola came to be. Was last in Zambia in 2001 and hope to go in the not to distant future. Keep up the good work.     Angela van den bos
hey.its devan.came on yor site a couple months back.and being an ex ndola resident but still a pure ndola boy,just thought i'd point out that llusaka is not in the copperbelt.they have thier owns province called lusaka province.watta stuck up bunch, think the're too good for the ndola crew. Anyway, love yor site, n i saw my moms shop in one of your pictures,nearly cried,lol, Tiyende enterprises. I think you might know my dad, Shirish, n his dad was Naran. thanks for sharin yor piks, they're great.
safe.    Devan Patel
Hi Yunus,
Yes, it's because you're getting old! Like me! I worked in Ndola during 1977/78 and today I suddenly felt nostalgic for the place.  I'm from Australia but now living in London like yourself. Was looking for a street plan of Ndola when I came across your site.  There doesn't seem to be a street plan on the et. I used to work for Costains and lived in the Costain block of flats in Nkana Road.  I used to have a lot of Ndola photos but they were lost in the post so unfortunately I can't send you any.  It was great to see your site and photos however.  I remember a few of the buildings such as the Savoy Hotel but it was difficult to get orientated.  Anyway, I'm very grateful for your site and the memories.
Many thanks. Warmest regards,     Chris King

Hi Yunus,
I actually remember you we lived in Ndola from 1968 to 1971 whilst I taught Woodwork & Metalwork at Kansenji secondary school. In 1971 after a three month leave in UK where our youngest was born, we returned to Ndola wher I worked for Peter Richards & Partners in Africa House Buteko Avenue, in 1976 I tranferred to Lusaka. Staid there until 1979 when we moved to Chingola and I worked for Apollo Enterprises. We left in 1982 and we went to South Africa to work were I basically remained until 2001 whenwe returned to UK. We still both love and miss Africa particularly Zambia where we still have many friends in Ndola there are so many also in Lusaka and Chingola, once again thanks for a great site and good luck with the continuing building of it.           Best Regards, Frank Yoxall

Assalamoalaykum,  Hello all Ndolans.  I too was born in Ndola in 1963. I attended Kanini Primary and then Kansenshi Secondary.   Liaqat Burhani was our neighbour.  My dad was Ahmed Mangera, ( May Allah give him Jaanatul Firdaus , Ameen). My eldest sister was Bilkis Mangera who was head girl in Kansenshi Secondary. We also moved to England in 1975. I am now married and living in the U.S.  I loved seeing the photos of both schools and Monkey Fountain, where we used to go often. 
Thanks for the site.      Shaheda.
Dear Yunus,
Thanks for your mail.
My father was a teacher in Chifubu Secondary School & Masala Secondary School. He came back in 1981. I was sent to the hostel in 1978 in India. In my class in Kanini were Mohd. Farrok Manghera, Sadhna Patel. Mrs Panicker Mr. Bhakta, Mr. Thompson. Mrs Pathy were our teachers. Mr. Patel was the headmaster. In Kansenshi, my classmates were Hanif Badat, Hemant Merai, Vandna
Champaneri. I qualified as a Chartered Accountant from India in 1986/ After serving in various Indian Companies, I am presently now in Nigeria , since 2003 in Bhojsons Group. Both my sons are studying in the Indian Language School, here with CBSE syllabus of India. Definitely Ndola has a special place in my heart as my childhood was spent on Mukuni Road Kansenji area. Later we moved to kabompo Avenue and then to kanini.       Regards      Ashok Saxena
hi nice site and nice to see some of the names on there,i was born in ndola and spent most of my early teen years there,it brought so many memories seeing all the old places,thanks      Clive Dring
     Thanks for sharing the website, Really did bring memories back, I was in Ndola from 1969 to 1974 only but  feel that it is my city. The best memories I have are from Ndola.  Best buddies I had were Hamid Gaj and Farook Mia. I am still in touch with Hamid in States and Mohamed Ladha in New Mexico.  Please add my contact on the site, I am in Ottawa Canada. Here are more details of From Ndola To Canada and where I am today:
Regards,     Madat Kara
Hi my name is Rizzy Lived in Ndola from 1964 to 1974 then moved to Canada and am now in the Ukraine ( yes ) Ukraine for the last 12 years. would be nice to hear from old friends.      Rizzy Andani
Hi Yunus
everyones expressed there heartful thanks and would like to add mine.
thank you ever so much for doing a fab job....ndola is always on mind no matter what....always keep having the feeling that one day i will go back to stay. My name is Pragnesh Naik and was in ndola from 1970 to 1989....did schooling at kanini and then onward to kansenji sec.....i still very strongly for the schools and on my last visit a few years back was saddened by the state of the schools.....i think we x-ndolans must do something and with the great work you are doing your reaching across the come on guys lets better the place that gave us the footing in life. I first lived on 1st street not to far away from trhe railway station ...and the ground was our home pitch for cricket .....we were called the railway team...sure gave hard time to the town and kanani boys hahah.some names have caught my eye already and will for sure forward the site address to others. my email is pknaik003[at]
friends who are lost sure will be found one way or the other ...will send you pics to add here very soon. warmest regards to all. - Pragnesh Naik
Hi, There
I am S. Andani owner of Ndola Auto Spares on President Ave just opposite Border Motor. My e-mail address is if any one would like to contact me I am in Vancouver British Columbia Canada.
Thanks       Andani
Whenever I think of Ndola I only have wonderful memories. My dad had Waddells Bakery.Me being one of 7 children, 4 sisters & 2 brothers who thank the good Lord are still alive & well. We moved to East London in South Africa when Northern Rhodesia became independent & my Dad opened up Waddells Bakery in East London. Unfortunately we were only here for 6 months when my father was diagnosed with cancer & only lived for another 6 months.  A really great tragedy for the family, only having been in a foreign country for 1 year.
Maybe someone out there remembers us, would be great to hear from you. My sisters being Dianne, Juno, Giselle & Gail, my brothers being Daniel & Brian. Take care out there.     Linda
As-salaamwalaikum(vv) Yunus,
Thanx for the weblink- You have done a great job-keep it up - I have already sighted a couple of names on your message page of people I
went to school with at Northrise.InshAllah I hope to get in touch with them. Salaams.     Sabbir Mehta
Hi Yunus,
How're you doing?
Came across your site recently. Not sue if you're still actively updating the website, but it really was great to see so much effort put into it.
I'm pretty sue I know you. I'm also from Ndola and attended the same primary school; although only 1 year at the high school. I know we played cricket together for the primary school. Going back a long way, but I think I'm right on this one.
Please let me know....Regards,     Ajay Desai
My name is Kalpana and a colleague sent this link to me. It brought back fond memories.I used to study at Osbourne Day School in Kanini - Mr Bhakta was the headmaster then.I went to Kansenji High School and left Ndola in 1974On Saturday afternoons, our outing would consist of going to the airport then stop at the Italian shop for ice-creams;  I loved eating "lolitas" from the ice-cream "cycle" whenever he used to come to Kanini. I could almost taste "Ting Ling" and "Grape fanta"  as well as Mazola!And going to the Broadway to see Chitty Chitty BAng BAng! or the library to borrow "Tin Tin" books/comics. Those were the good old days.I have never had a chance to go back there but that was the best part of my life! Great site! Kalpana
Hi Hemu and Hemu Patels
If I am not wrong, both of you lived on the same road in Kanini (near Bushumino Road)
My name is Kalpana and if you are who I think then, I studied with you at a boarding school in Panchgani, in India.  We met breifly in Leicester around 1985-86?
Hi nice to bump into Ndola website my name is Sabbir Gaj and now residing in Southall London anyone like to get in touch..its shabs127[at]
used to live and work in ndola in 90s. It would bre great if I could any how get in touch with Mr. Ved, the one that used to run bar in Naaznina Hotel in early 90s. I was very close friends to his doughter Meena Ved. If somehow u can assist me with finding a long lost friend Meena Ved please get in touch with me on following e mail address:
My name is Nina and I am from belgrade former Yugoslavia
Looking forward to hearing from u soon
Hi Yunus, just to let you know I was forwarded your links about Ndola, great website, I spent hours browsing through the numerous pages -brings back fond memories of ndola, where I grew up. Briefly about myself. I am Ramesh Patel (son of Madhubhai known as richman owner of Mana Garments) we lived on Makoli Avenue (sanitary line) I went to Kanini Primary and Kensenji Secondary School (1967/71) I left ndola in 1972. I am resident in UK (Luton).
Keep the spirit of Ndola going for as long as possible. Best wishes. Ramesh Patel
Hi Yunus
What a pleasant surprise. Thank you for the contact and also for the wonderful website that you are creating. Brought back so many pleasant memories. Also thanks to all those who have contributed photo's of Ndola. It was so good to see a photo of the Tudor Inn. Used to frequent the place very often. I lived in Ndola, Kitwe and Luanshya from 1965 to 1980. Moved to Harare till 1988 and then onto London till 2001. I now live in Perth, Western Australia.  We lived on a smallholding called Kansenji Farm, near the Zesco Training Centre in Monkey Fountain & have many happy memories of the wonderful life that we had in Zambia. I am sure that I met your father during our stay there. Keep up the good woork and look to making a lot of contacts with people I knew from those bygone days.
Regards, Humphrey Thornicroft. Perth West Australia
Hi Yunus, greeting and best wishes from Australia, I came across your site whilst browsing the net. I am sure we have studied together at primary (Kanini) and Secondary school (Kansenshi), some of my class mates were Pratik Naik, Ismail Mehta, Muhammed Mehta, Joseph Bloomfield, Isaac Lungu. My dad used to have school Uniform shop on Chisokone Avenue. Saw some familiar sounding names on the site, if anyone wants to contact me I am now in Melbourne Australia. I also still have family in Ndola and Kitwe. Haven’t been back to Zambia for over 10 years. Hope to make it down one of these days.Any how best of luck and if you have a chance please write back. Bharat Naik. 04/04/2008
This has brought back lots of great memories.
I was born in Ndola and went to Itawa primary before going to Boardingschool in Cape Town.
My dad Juergen Tiemann had Associated Radio and TV near the Chinese Restaurant.
All the photos you have up reminded me of places that I had already forgotten.
Best is the photo of the bicycle shop where I got my Chopper from and was a very proud owner.
The bike was the only means of transport around Ndola.
Now in Brisbane Australia still missing Ndola......
Velten Tiemann 27/04/2008
Hi, I was born in Ndola and went to Kanini Primary School lived between Hirakaka and Bhulakak’s (G D Grocers) house. To name a few friends in school were Hemant, Harshad, Hansdev, Kishore Merai, Prakash Merai, Bharat, Narendra (Chandos, Bunky, Bharat Naik,  etc.. etc... etc... Use to be a member at the Kanini Sports Club and the Golf Club.  Our business was based in Kasama, Simco.  My Uncle was in Ndola, Chunibhai and the son’s name is Niranjan.  My daughter forwarded the site. Rgds,          Jit Mohan - 01.05.2008
Wow I cant believe I just typed the word Ndola on google and came across this wonderful site!  My name is Fatima Badat and I was born and bred in Ndola. I lived there up until 2002. My family still lives out there. I now live in the USA. I just want to be added to the list of the Ndola people. No matter what there is no place like home.keep it up and keep updating this site!! - Fatima Badat - 21.06.2008
Hello, My name is Tom Andersen from Norway. I lived in Ndola as a child from 1970-73, and my father, Mr. Kjell B. Andersen, was a teacher at Kensenji Secondary School. Me, my wife and my two children (age 13 and 15) are planning to visit Ndola in july 2009, and we would like to get in contact with people resident in the town. As a child we lived in Nkandabwe avenue, and I was a pupil at the primary school close by (I don’t remember the name). A few months ago I was aware that Google Earth had high resolution satellite images over Ndola, and I was able to locate both the house where we lived and the school. This was a fantastic experience. Best regards Tom H Andersen Kongsberg, Norway - 22.06.2008
Hello Yunus!
Got your address from my son Tom, who plans to go to
in 2009.
I was a teacher at Kansenji sec, teaching maths and physics up to A-level. As time went by I got main responsibility for the senior football team. As you know football was, and still is, important for a prestige. I therefore got my headmaster Chokani blessing to travel the Copperbelt and the Western province with our team, always on a winning line. During this time we were fortunate to have a PTA, mainly with good Indian people, who sponsored us a schoolbus, clothing and lots of sports equipment.
Now I am pensioned as ass.headmaster for
My hard work! for the time being is catching big salmons
 Good luck with your website.

Kjell B. Andersen
Hammerfest, Norway. 27.06.2008


Hi Yunus,
I accidently came across your site and boy what a weeping pleasure, seeing the photographs and even some of the names. Here are my details, I would be glad if you could send me emails of people I mention below or anyone who happened to be in Kanini Primary during my time frame in Ndola.
Parag Havaldar (now live in Los Angeles)
Spent 1975 - 1982 in Ndola,
Attended Kanini Primary School from Grades 1 - 7, which is when I left for India.
Lived across the police station on Buteko Ave.
There are a few names I do recognize on your page here
Let me start with your last name. I had a classmate called Rashid Badat and his friend Ismail Seedat,
Also I do recognize Jitendra Patel, Hitendra Patel,
Zubeida (don't know her last name).
Good to have come across your site.Regards ,Parag - 11.07.2008

Wow! Talk about a blast from the past!  I have to say I have enjoyed reading and looking at all those photographs on your website. It was great growing up in Ndola.  My father Mr Matthew Mwenya was the Officer in Charge at PWD (Public Works Department)  and we lived in Luanshya, Ndola, Mufulira and finally Lusaka where he retired as the Commissioner of works.  We lived in Ndola from 1975 to 1980.  Three of my sisters and I went to Kanini Primary School and of my sisters went to Ndola Primary.  My two oldest sisters eventually went to Chifubu Secondary School (where I also went for one term only) and my other sister went to Kasenshi Secondary School.   This has brought back so many memories.  I remember some of my teachers at Kanini - Ms Chewe, Mrs Abraham in grade 6 and Mr Kusensela in Grade 7.  The Head Mistress was Mrs Chileshe.  I remember the assembly days!  the swimming, athletics, soccer, netball etc.  Some of the people that come to my mind from Kanini are President Chiluba's children.  One of them Titus Chiluba was my class mate.  Vivien Nkata - I remembered her so well because we met again later in our lives.  We went to the same college - I believe she migrated to Europe.  I also remember Salma Patel - was a good friend of mine, Kapeso Chanda and her brother, Emily, Sepo, Eniya, Evenlatta ...cant remember their last names!!
We lived on Kwacha Road near Ndola Central Hospital and then we moved to 54 Kabompo Road near the Tennis Club. Doreen Mwenya - Grant - USA - 15.09.2008
Hi thereWhat a brilliant website!  Brings a huge smile to my face of all the wonderful times spent in Zambia, especially Ndola.  My mum used to teach at Simba Primary, Shirley Hayes and sadly passed away in November 2004.  My dad, John Hayes was the Managing Director of Delta.  We used to live in Luneta Road.  My sister, Phillipa (Pip) is married and has returned to Zambia with her family and is living in Kitwe.

Thanks again for the memories!

Kind regards Joanne Schormann (Nee Hayes) - 17.09.2008
Hi there fellow Ndola person JMy name is Tricia Reed (nee Gilbert) and I was born in Ndola too! I lived there all my life up until 5 years ago when I moved to Cape Town.This is a fabulous website and yes I would love to get Noelene Clare Talbot (nee Badrian) and Stewart Yesners contact details from you if possible.My Dad is Peter Gilbert and my Grandfather was Doctor Frank Gilbert who had his own practice in Ndola for many years.This is amazing and I would love for you to add my name to the list please.I will forward this to all my ex Ndola mates of which there are at least 20 odd that I am in contact with and get them to join and look at it too! Cool.Thanks again and I look forward to hearing from you soon.      
Cheers Tricia - 17.09.2008
Hi Yunus, it’s Tricia here again!I definitely remember you, do you remember me?I just tried to write in your guest book but couldn’t open it for some reason, please would you post my details on there.Tricia Reed (nee Gilbert)email: tmbreed@telkomsa.netBorn in Ndola 1962 left 2003 but will return!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Went to Dominican Convent then left for Secondary and went to Rhodesia (Umtali) and Gaborone, Botswana.Back after school and worked at Turnbull Gibson Travel with Val Stacey and Joan Hunt. It later became TG Travel. Started Interair and also started SA Airlink, both based at Ndola Airport.Knew Peter Kaoma and Jimmy Chitengu, in fact Jimmy was my boss for a while.Such a small world. An absolutely fantastic website. I will send this to all my mates as well as some of them still in Ndola.Great to keep in touch after all these years.Cheers and Thanks - Tricia - 17.09.2008


hi my name is colin beveridge and i would like to contact u after seeing your photo's and reading about your time in ndola.  My brothers and sister and me off course were brought up in ndola we were there from 1957 till 1971. We went to northrise primary school than when we moved to independence way went to ndola primary school than to kensenji hi were i went to form 3. Our family always talk about our time there which was the best time ever and planning to go back for a visit. My fatherworked on the railways for many years.  Looking at the pictures brought back fond memories of our time there from when we used to go to lababies pool each day to the biscope on a saturday play in the park on the javelin to going to the railton club for a curry on a saturday lunchtime. We currently live in australia i live in canberra and rest of family in melbourne. I hope to here back from u as it would be great to talk to someone else from there we more than likely no each other as we are roughly the same age im currently 52 many thanks for information on that great city  Col - 19.09.2008



I just stumbled acroos your wonderful Ndola website. I t brought back a lot of memories for me. My family (and I) lived there from 1968-1076. My Dad was the manager of CBC whcih became ZCBC. My sisters and I lived with the family in Itawa initially then we moved across the other side of town. We used to knock around with Mark and Julie Knighton, Malcom and Stuart Yessner. Sean Majoor and others all at the Boat Club. What happy, innocent days they were. I would love to go back there. My sister was in Lusaka about 2 years ago but didn't have a chance to get up to Ndola. I will one day soon. Cheers, Kevan - Sydney, Australia - 07.11.2008
Hi Yunus,
great website,  my brother Kevan just put me on to it.  I am the unnamed sister he mentioned in his email !
Pls will you put me in touch with Tricia Gilbert, she is the daugher of Peter Gilbert and my mother Vallen used to work with him, so would love to get news.  As Kevan said,  my father was Manager at various CBC (ZCBC) stores in Ndola and Lusaka.  Ndola I remember best (because it was nothing but fun).  We went to UK boarding schools during term times, and have great memories of the lollipop special on Zambia Airways, and spent our holidays hanging out at the boat club. My father Ray was into motor racing so weekends were often at the noisy races.
I used to know Stewart Yesner well, i think i tried to contact him via gnr without success.  Other friends were Bernie and Tricia Brennan, Delma Swinton, Shane Major, Mark and Julie Knighton, if any of these surface on your contacts I would love to get in touch with them.  Another name I remember is Keith Markotter, i saw it on yr site.  I think we have some pics, I will rummage in my parents collection and see what i can add. great site. I still go to Zambia my work takes me there, but to Lusaka.  Next time i Must go up to Ndola. there are so many memories, like the cafe at the top of Mwaiseni where all us teenagers used to hang out on a saturday morning. (I think was Ndola, not Lusaka.  poor memory!)
thanks for this site, Verity Broad - 08.11.2008
Hi, watched a program called “Silent Witness” last night on TV—set in Zambia—and the memories came flooding back !We were in Ndola from mid 1969 until December 1971. I was seconded from BT(PO Engineering Dept) to the Ministry of Posts & Telecommunications, and worked in the main Telephone Exchange in Ndola.  We lived in Cumberland Crescent, and our 3 sons attended Kansenji Primary School. Many weekends were spent with friends at the Mine Club in Luanshya, interspersed with trips to Kundallila Falls (probably spelt wrong !) about 170 miles each way, up the Great North Rd. We also spent time touring Rhodesia and Malawi for our annual holidays. We had some great times. Love the photos.  Brian Fetterplace - 18.11.2008
congratulations on your efforts of bringing Ndola to light.  I went to Kanini Primary school from 1982 - 1988, then went on to complete my high school at Dominican Convent. I now live in New york. true indeed there is no place like home, i think of Ndola all the time. I google Ndola all the time hoping I  can just see anything related to my beloved city. This night i googled  kanini and I stumbled on your website. My eyes  were filled with tears when I saw the pictures of my beloved city. My school Kanini, the swimming pool, pictures of Dominican convent! wow!
I believe the site will grow! Congratulations again! Thanks! - Talenge Katenga - 10.06.2009

Hello  Yunus,

My name is Hitesh Patel.

I just found your page and what a flood of memories it brought back!!

I lived in Kanini, and like you, went to Kanini Primary and then to Kansenshi after 1977.

I guess as we get older we have this urging to revisit our youth and as you say, what a life we all had in Zambia. It was a simple life, but it was paradise compared to the world we find ourselves in today.

Anyway, I have to be honest and say my memories are quite hazy now, and if you were in front of me, I would probably not recognize you at all.  I went to Kanini from1970-1977 and so I think we must have met, seen and even been friends, unless you were much ahead of me.

I have been thinking of all the guys who were with me, Yusuf, Imtiaz, Zulfikar & Zahir Shaikh, Sanjay Bhakta, Ramesh Bhakta, Anil Patel Jayesh, Jitsi, etc. Some I kept up with for a while after moving to the states, but others I have not. My best friends from that time include Mohammed Ismail and Rafiq whose fathers owned the gas station as you entered President Avenue. I would like to get in touch with them, at the very least Mohammed, because he was with me until Form 5.

  I don't know if you remember me at all, but by way of introduction, my dad and Nazir Shaikh were partners from the time they met until Nazir kaka died.  Nazir kaka's son, Khalil is in Toronto.

Anyway, hope to hear from you sometime, and get Rafiq and Mohammed's contacts.

Thanks and best regards,

Hitesh. 19.09.2009

Hi Yunus - great site!
My name is Rhodes T Balecroft and I lived in Ndola and then Chililabomwe from 58 to 85 and then moved to Kildare.  My dad was in some sort of business but I could never work out quite what it was – something to do with wire or something, I think it was.  His name was Rhodes T Balecroft as well.  One day he went off to work as usual and was never seen again, it was in all the papers.  The police thought he might have been eaten by a crocodile – I’ve never been able to watch Peter Pan ever since.  I went to school in both places but can’t remember the name of either of them, they were both called something or other school, I think.  If anyone remembers me from that time (I’ve got red hair, blue eyes  and lots of freckles) I’d be really grateful if you could fill me in on the details, it all seems a bit vague now.  There was a bloke called Bob who lived next door at both places, the one in Ndola had a dog and so did the other one.  Oddly enough both dogs were called Bowser.  My mother used to say that her nerves were getting ruined, what with all the barking and all the rest of it..  Great site, keep up the good work.- Rhodes T Balecroft-15.12.09
Hello,  I am from Kitwe and looking for any of the Cornelius family. Ryan and Sean and younger brother. My brother's are John, Mike and Peter Holland .

 Many thanks,Cathy Holland - 22/03/2010

Congratulation on a great site, wonderful memories, I lived in Zambia 70-75 (10-15yo), my dad is Allan Murphy(spud) he worked at the GPO training college except for a stint we had in Lusaka early on mother Margaret. Attended North Rise Primary  71-72(Mr Morris I remember well) and one term at Kansenji sec (jan-April 73) before going to boarding school. my Sister Alison went to the Dom Con  and younger siblings Niki & Craig too young for school.Mainly members of Ndola Bowling & tennis club, swimming club, moths.Amongst my Dads mates I remember Craig (r.i.p.) & Robbie Paterson, Dave Plant, Gerry Brewer, Dickie Knightly, Charlie Jowry with whom I paired at bowls & we got into the semis a 72yo & 13 yo- upset a few people. Aaron Phiri & Lloyd Ndelamani were also family friends- Danny Phiri was a mate. An old lady called betty we used to swim at her house. Going to Kitwe in the back of Robbies pick up to watch Zambia vs Argentina at Rugby 74?I remember Snowy Gascoigne- the hangman- decent interesting blokeSaturday morning matinee- ZCBC & ZOK, and the shop opposite which always had a good selection of Revell model kits, the park with the old plane, days at the yatch club riding there on our bikes or all day at the swimming pool.(swimming coaching from Arthur Lebarbie- swam in the 1928 Olympics)Our last house was on the corner of Jaccaranda Avenue just below NBTC (which looks deserted on google earth now).It was a fantastic place with lifestyle second to none. I know we look back on life with rose tinted glasses but Ndola deserves it.I went to sea for 30 years but now working ashore in Africa- but nothing like Ndola. Kevin 27.4.10 Cairo


Wish to acknowledge your site as a wonderful gesture for all Ndolans.

I am Tarun  Patel, lived in Kanini for many memorable years. Standard bricks/Standard bargain Centre was our family business.

Greetings to all Ndolans. Tarun Patel 21.10.2010


By great good chance I have just found your website and after browsing through the photos feel quite nostalgic for Ndola and the old days.  I arrived in Ndola in 1955 aged 9 and left in about 1963.  I went to Ndola Primary School and Llewellyn High School - as it was.It was a good time of my life and I have only fond memories of Ndola and Zambia.  My sister was called Annabel and now lives in Brisbane.  I live in Sussex.I do not recognise any names on the People page, but would love to hear from anyone who recognises my name. Regards. Sara Spreadbury (now Holmes) 07.11.2010


Yunus Great website, and I thought it was only me who back to my Ndola days with great fondness! That's me kneeling on the right with the specs on the Kilimanjaro photo, what an adventure that was. We (myself, brother David and sister Allison) lived in Ndola from 1963 to 1977 and went to Llewellyn High/Kansenji Sec School, although latter years were UK boarding schools, but hols back in Ndola at the Dambo, Tudor Inn, Monkey Fountain, Kundalila Falls and the rest. We lived in Town View in Northrise next door to the Coogans and the Howards and I can still smell the odours that came from the brewery just down the road on Friday afternoons as they started a new brew. I worked in Zambia for NCCM from 1976 to 1980, although I went over to the other side (Kitwe) before coming to Australia (Perth). I have attached a street map of Ndola, circa 1960's which I think came from the Great North Road website. It may be of interest, although it does have the pre-independence street names. Keep up the good work. Regards John Higgs - 24.01.2011


My name is Bob Hesford. My family lived in Ndola in the late 50s and early 60s My Dad, Bob, was deputy head at Lewwellan High school. I went on to play rugby for England in the 1980s.
I would like to hear from anyone who remembers me or my family. - Bob Hesford 11.05.2011

Hi, My Dad, Charles Jackson sent your website to me. He's in the UK.  I currently live in the US, but originally from UK.  I lived in Ndola for a few years when I was a kid between 3 and 9. My Dad got a job over there working for Chilanga Cement (it's now known as Lafarge Cement Zambia). I was over there when Kaunda was President,1971-77. I have great memories of the Country and spent some time on Safari with friends of my parents. Would love to spend some more time talking with other people about my experiences. Most people I try to strike up a conversation with (in the US) about Africa can't respond to my passion. Can you please send an Email to my Dad that I am part of your Website. It would be a great thrill for him. He will be able to remember so much more about Ndola than me. Hopefully we can connect with some more of your members. Lee Jackson 12.05.2011 

Just stumbled upon this website whilst looking for long lost friends!

I grew up in Ndola. Went tp Northrise primary school, Kansenji secondary school. My siblings were Victor, Charity, Julie, Henry, David, Angela. Other schools that my siblings went to were Kanini primary school, Dominican convent. Some names i can remember are Ruksana Malik, Hamid, Nasim, Lucky Phiri, Naomi Phiri, Gertrude Phiri, Alice Phiri, Judy Bloomfield, Joseph Cohen, Piero, Angela, Shereen, Michael, Gary, Ricky Cohen.  If you know the whereabouts of these lovely people, do jot me a line.

Prudence Mushimba - 14.08.2011

My name is Manoj Vara my family used to live on Vitanda Street . We had a factory called VARA'S FURNITURE FACTORY and used to be next to patrol station in vitanda street. we had been there since 1957 . We now live in the uk.
Many thanks,
Manoj Vara 04.09.2011


Hi, I think your website is great.  We moved to Kansenji back in 1971 and stayed there until about 1975.  My dad worked for Zambia Breweries.  My mum and dad are Bill and Isobel McKay and were members of the Kansenji Bowling Club.  We all have very fond memories of those years.  I went to Ndola and Kansenji Primary School.  If anyone remembers me, please would they get in touch by sending me an email to vlokkie[at]  It would be great to get in touch. Susan McKay 15.09.2011

Hi Yunus,
Like so many before me, I congratulate you on your wonderful website. I came across it quite by chance when surfing the web for pictures of Ndola. The pictures posted on your site brought back great memories.
I lived in Ndola from 1975 to 1982. My father was the finance manager of ZCBC. We lived at Dolphin Court opposite Ndola Cricket Club. I went to Kanini Primary and Kansenshi Secondary School. After moving many countries, I am now living in the US.
I remember Ashok Saxena who wrote to you from Nigeria. Please send me his email address - I would like to get in touch with him. Some of the people I knew at school are Ashok Tailor, Bhavesh Asher, Ashraf Coovadia, Johanes Van den Bos and Irfan Doctor. I cannot remember the names of  so many others - memory fails me. Please continue to keep us updated on events in Ndola through your website. Take care. Deepak Panjabi - 17.09.2011


Dear Yunus,

I was ecstatic to come across the site that you have wonderfully put together. I was amazed to see the pictures of Ndola which brought back a lot of fond memories of where I was born. I am sure that you have been contacted by hundreds of ex-Ndolans and will continue to hear from many others who still have not found this site. Keep up the good work. If there is anything that I can do please do not hesitate to contact me.

By the way did you have an older sister? I think she was either in my class or one year behind me.

I left Ndola in 1970 and studied at UNZA for 7 years and then came back to Ndola for an internship at Ndola Central Hospital. I left Ndola in February 1997 and went to the UK where I trained as an Ophthalmologist. Currently I am Professor of Ophthalmology and practice in Florida. If you or any other Ndolan is visiting Florida please do not hesitate to contact me.

Salaams and best regards. Liaquat Allarakhia, M.D.- 22.09.2011


I just want to thank you for the good words about Ndola and Kansenji sec. sch i also went to the same school. I no longer live in Zambia I've been in Norway for 20 years. Keep us informed. Suzyo - 02.10.11


I typed in Ndola and hey what a trip down memory lane! Hi to everyone,friends and friends to be - does anybody know of Timothy Hull, Riaz Sheikh (Naagma & Hanna's brother) and Yunus Bobat. Here's to good will and health to all and

Thank you Yunus for a wicked site. Fazel (Ex Broadway Rd) 18.10.11


Hi lived in ndola from 1980 to 1984, studied in Ndola Kanini school, used to stay at the savoy hotel and kopa raos. Tushar,Ramesh Patel were my friends.

Nagamony. - 07.11.11



Aslamo Alyqum, Just went on your website and began reading peoples comments. Its amazing how many people have been touched by such a remote town. And the memories people have.It was  amazing time growing up in such remote place.Despite knowing so many people I can not remember any names. Also I would interested if anyone heard about WASAY farms because it supplied Halal meat to Ndola and I remember all of a sudden we could go out and eat at places where halal meat was supplied.I wonder if anyone does have any pictures of CHIWALA, SMARA FLATS, KASENJI PRIMARY. I know I have asked alot of questions  apologies - and you are perhaps extremely busy. Salaam No'maan Qureshi - 16.12.2011
Hi, Just wanted to say what a wonderful job you have done! I come from Ndola and my mom and sister still live in Jacaranda Avenue. I live in Germany with German Hubby. Was lovely to see all the old pictures of Ndola. I was born in the late 70s so a lot of things had changed by then. Could you please give me the details for Matthias Zingel if possible? Where do you live by the way? Are you still in Ndola. Hope to hear from you and keep up the good work. Olipah - 26.12.2011


Was told by a friend about this website. Went into it and Bang!!!! Goose pimples. Grew up in Ndola, Kansenji. Went to Kansenji Primary then to Kansenji Secondary. Left I think 1976. Dad had businesses in Masala, Chifubu and Lobuto. Spent my last days in Ndola hanging out at Steps with the likes of Marvi Mtini, Gary Ratherford and gang. Remember picnicking at Monkey Fountain Zoo!!! What a great place to have lived. 

Pfungwa Marange - 20.01.12


Hi there,  My name is Freda Muller (nee Curtis) and I went to Northrise Primary School from 1958 to 1962 and would love to get in touch with the best friend I ever had, her name was Mary Hanson and one of her brothers was Jimmy and the other one was Robert. I do not remember the names of any of the others or even if there were other brothers or sisters. I get very home-sick when I think about that beautiful place called Rhodesia. 01.02.12


Hi, my name is Selina. We came to Ndola in 1974 and it has remained in my heart since we left when I was 16.

I went to the Dominican Convent and we lived first in Simba Road then into Kabinga Avenue. Our house backed onto a property owned by Joshua Nkomo, and we would swing so high on our swing to see if we could see him..... We never did.

We then moved to Mwasumina Avenue in Itawa before we very sadly left.

My dad worked for the UN training refugees from Namibia and who were members of swapo. He worked at the college in North Rise, just past the army camp, where the last post was played each night.

I remember so well the Hong Kong restuarant where the spring rolls were filled with shredded cabbage because there were no bean sprouts. They were supreme and I've never had a spring roll to match those.So very, very many happy memories.

I now have a sponsor child through world vision on the copperbelt and long to take my children there one day. In my heart it will always be home! Selina Nisbett nee.Kelly - 15.02.12


Hi,     I am Sarala from Kerala. I was exicted when I came across your wonderful website. My father was in Zambian Army. I studied in Kensenji Secondary Shool during 1969-72. Mr Chokkani was the Headmaster that time and his wife Mrs Chokkani was also there. Some of my classmates were Sonia, Zohra Bhutt, Vasanthi, Lorraine, Beatrice, Grace Mumba etc. I am sure that anyone among these friends remember me. We left Ndola in 1973. If anyone among this have seen this website please do contact me in this e mail address.(saralasankar[at] I have golden memories of Ndola...the army barracks, chifubu market, ZCBC Market, Hindu hall, our pleasure trip to Victoria falls etc....Congratulations and thank you Yunus once again for introducing such a wonderful site. Sarala Sankar - 17.03.12


Hi, I am Martin Edward Hampton Sams, born in 1958 in Ndola. My friends at Kensenji Primary were Stuart Ramsey, Fleur, Bevan and was in Sable House. Left KPS in 1968. Since 1998 I have been living in Leipzig, Germany and am a professor of English.  I have a younger brother, Colin, born in Ndola in 1960, left KPS in 1970. I would like old friends to contact me through this site - Martin Edward Hampton Sams - 27.11.2018 










Please email me!!!..... now